Unifony III album release

Today the third Unifony album has been released. It was recorded and mixed by Jan Theodoor Borger in Studio Klankzicht on his Grimm Audio system. The master is made by Bob Ludwig – one of the last albums this legend of mastering made before retiring this year. And he was very impressed by the album, as you can see in his video testimonial: “This is really one of the best engineered records that has come my way in a long time”.

Grimm Audio supports the fascinating ‘ambient jazz’ Unifony project by Jan Theodoor Borger and Minco Eggersman from the beginning. Every album comes forth of improvisations in the studio, that in turn inspire top notch guest musicians to add their part. For every Unifony release another guest is invited, and on Unifony III there’s even two: Irish singer and harp player Moya Brennan (widely known of her band Clannad) and Norwegian trumpet player Nils Petter Molvaer. A constant factor is the artwork by James Marsh, well known of the Talk Talk album covers.

From left to right: Jan Theodoor Borger, Moya Brennan, Minco Eggersman.

Both the artistic performance and recording quality of Unifony III are of extremely high quality and we highly recommend to give it a listen. You can find the album on your favorite streaming service or buy a download, CD or vinyl via the Unifony website.

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