AES President’s Award for td1008 drafting committee

We are very proud to let you know that the drafting committee of the AES td1008 “Streaming Loudness Recommendation” has received the first ever AES President’s Award. Eelco Grimm is member of this writing group that met for two years in a row, in the last year with two sessions of two hours per week. He considers it one of his most important achievements.

AES president Jonathan Wyner stated it as follows: “The AES President’s Award is given to a group of individuals in recognition of diligent and significant joint efforts on behalf of the Audio Engineering Society – those efforts making substantial contributions to the science or application of audio engineering. Presented for Outstanding Technical Achievement as a member of the TC-BOD drafting group whose exhaustive work resulted in the publication of the TC document TD1008: ‘Recommendations for Loudness of Internet Audio Streaming and On-Demand Distribution’.”

Read more about AES td1008 >