Eelco Grimm gives AES Keynote

Eelco Grimm has been invited to give a Keynote at the 150th AES convention. This is one of the most honourable presentations of the AES and Eelco is most grateful for being invited. Since the 150th AES will be held online due to the ongoing Covid measures, the Keynote is pre-recorded and presented as a video on May 25th, 1PM CEST. Eelco will be available for questions after the talk. 

The Keynote topic is “Loudness Normalization, a Personal History”. For almost 17 years, Eelco Grimm has worked on loudness normalization in international broadcast, cinema and audio streaming. He witnessed one of the greatest revolutions in the audio world from the front row, by taking part in many of the committees involved such as ITU srg3, EBU PLOUD, AES TC-AC, CTA r4wg8 and AES sc-02-12-Q. 

In his Keynote he takes us on a personal journey, reflecting on why he was so driven by this topic that he spent a large part of his professional career on it. The core theme of Eelco’s presentation is the notion that the loudness war led to an enforced aesthetic, which is ethically wrong. 

All AES 150th Convention visitors are invited to watch the presentation and join in the Q&A. You can register at AES, day tickets are available. As always, the AES convention is highly interesting to visit.