After his rave review in January, K.E. Heartsong is still so enthusiastic about the MU2 that he spent an update article on it in his latest Audio Key Reviews online magazine. His main topic of the text is a reflection on the retail prices in ultra high end audio and how he considers the MU2 a breakthrough product in that respect. Below are some excerpts, but please read the full article in AKR’s May edition, starting on page 110.
“I believe the Grimm Audio MU2 was the first audio component to receive a midyear “Breakthrough Product” award. The reason for this was simple. It had moved far beyond the various DACs and streamers, regardless of price tags, that I had reviewed, attempted to review and sent back (because they did not live up to minimal expectations), or heard. Not only that, but there were two quarter-of-a-million-dollar vinyl systems that did not move me in the same way as had the MU2. This was both very unexpected and a revelation with regard to digital and its ability to, well, transcend, at least, two very expensive vinyl setups.
With that, there are products like the Grimm Audio MU2 that “lift all boats”, which translates to improving the performance of every component or system — the so-so, the good, the incredible— into which it is placed. This is no small task: I can’t think of another component, regardless of category, that does the same, regardless of the system into which it is placed.
For those with clarity of vision, the Grimm Audio MU2 is a solution for the ages, or at least our current age. And having heard it in multiple systems and with a varied mix of components, its DAC/streaming/preamplifier better or even its match, at five, six, or possibly even seven times its cost, is not now discernible to me, and I have thought long and hard about this, though things do change.”

“The Grimm Audio MU2 is a solution for the ages, or at least our current age.”
K.E. Heartsong, Audio Key Reviews