LS1be: Total Peace of Mind

LS1be at Henk and Marja

Yet another rave review of the LS1be: in 6 Moons! Or… rave review? Henk & Marja write: “Even though it doesn’t read like a rave, as experienced listeners will know, that really was most telling of all. This music system just did its job and got so perfectly out of the way that we could fully concentrate on and get immersed in the music.”.

We are so proud that the LS1be has brought us here. Our mission is to bring total clarity to the professional and music lover. And with it a “total peace of mind”, which are the final words of the Henk & Marja review.

Here is one more striking passage from their review: “another key characteristic was the lack of any character, fingerprint or voicing. This music system was neutral and audiologically speaking, honest to the bone just as its looks are clear but with exciting lines that change perspective with viewing angle to enhance the innate airiness of the design. Over the review period, we never once had the itch to do anything audiophile at all. No tweaking, no alterations… nothing. (…) Usually the itch to change something arises sooner than later. When it doesn’t, take note and hold on to it!”

“Truly, this could be the last system you’ll ever buy; an endgame solution.”

Read about LS1be >

LS1be at Henk & Marja

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