We are delighted to see that no less than three Canadian dealers will present our products at the main hifi audio show of Canada, the Montreal Audiofest. If you attend the show between March 22nd and 24th, make sure to visit the exhibits of our dealers. Lemay Audio is in suite 2018. Francois Lemay willread more >

The CC1mk2 has won the Japanese AEX Audio Excellence Award 2020 of Ongen Publishing. This is a unique achievement since the mk1 version of the CC1 also won this prestigious award, in 2009. The CC1 is likely the only product that won the award two times with an interval of more than 10 years. Theread more >

Spencer Ramzel of Blackbuck Recording Haus, South Texas, wrote to us: “I’ve had only a few days with the unit. There seems to be an immediate improvement of the sound. Bottom end and the phase correlation between the kick drum tracks and other bass tracks is improved. The higher frequency range (cymbals and vocal track)read more >

Dutch music production magazine Interface has a review of our CC2 master clock in its latest issue. Marnix Bosman writes: “I checked the CC2 in my studio in combination with various recent and older models of converters and interfaces. Except with one very expensive high end converter, I could always hear improvements in sound quality,read more >

An interesting myth has made its way into the market recently: that a 48000.000Hz clock makes your audio sound better than a 48000.100Hz one. Okay, that’s not the way they put it. Nobody can keep a straight face and say that. Instead they say that your audio improves when you lock it to an atomicread more >

External clocking improves the sound of gear. Sometimes. Sometimes nothing happens, and in some cases the result is downright disappointing. What are the factors involved? This tech note discusses the PLL and clock basics: why does jitter matter? And how can your converter’s sound quality improve when slaving it to an external clock?read more >

In this white paper Grimm Audio co-founder Bruno Putzeys offers deep insight in the requirements for PLL’s in audio devices and their impact on jitter. A PLL synchronizes the internal clock of a digital audio device with the outside world so it can receive and process digital audio signals. Understanding how various audio devices respondread more >

Grimm Audio’s co-founder Peter van Willenswaard is considered to be the first audio journalist to write about the impact of jitter on sound quality in the international audio press. His article in the November 1988 issue of Stereophile is therefore of great historic importance and we are proud to share it here with you. Itread more >