Audio Video: “LS1a’s are phenomenal loudspeakers”

The well known Polish ‘Audio Video’ magazine reviewed our LS1a. Editor in chief Filip Kulpa, who offered the MU1 five stars, is once more blown away. Another five star review…

“Listening to the LS1a I got excited by the insight that apparently there is one common goal for all high-end audio systems. This goal is to strive for an objective, uncolored transfer of music that enchants by its naturalness and lack of exaggeration. This is how I would summarize the whole philosophy behind Dutch loudspeakers.” 

“I quickly came to the conclusion that the presentation with the LS1a is flat as a ruler (more even than with my reference speakers), but despite this they don’t sound sterile. (…) They are not pushy at all – they sound silky and extremely coherent. They present the entire acoustic spectrum. They are like a freshly washed, perfectly flat window through which we look at a beautiful landscape in the sunshine. Terms such as light, dark, warm and cold do not have much to say here, they become meaningless cliches.”

“The LS1a creates a wonderfully reliable spatial image. The foreground is tangible, gently reaching for the listener. And with proper recordings the background offers a wide panorama with almost reference depth, freely suspended in the space between the side walls of the room. Virtually every recording, not necessarily audiophile ones (I listen to them sporadically), exhibits this to a lesser or greater extent.”

“I believe that the LS1a’s are phenomenal loudspeakers that will fundamentally change the way audiophiles judge this type of design. Their neutrality, precision, resolution, and spatiality is virtually unattainable by classic systems with passive loudspeakers. Also, the myth of narrow front panels is finally destroyed.”

Read about LS1a >

“I believe that the LS1a’s are phenomenal loudspeakers that will fundamentally change the way audiophiles judge this type of design.“

Filip Kulpa
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