EinsNull magazine lyrical about LS1

LS1 review EinsNull

German EinsNull magazin reviewed the LS1 and digged really deep into all details. They were stunned by the LS1’s performance. Editor in chief Christian Rechenbach wrote:

“This is probably the most ‘correct’ loudspeaker I’ve ever laid ears on. The combined honesty, neutrality and pleasing musicality is at a level that I haven’t come across before.”

“In the past I’ve always had a hard time with perfectly neutral speakers. Mostly I felt a certain boredom and annoyment at the lacklustre musical performance. The LS1’s showed me that you can build a speaker that is a hundred percent honest and yet never ceases to invite foot-tapping.”

“On these loudspeakers you can listen for hours on end without fatigue. This benefits both the professional user (who no longer has to return home with grated ears) and the Hi-Fi lover at home.”

Read about LS1 >

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