Alpha Audio: MU2 is ‘quite spectacular’

Alpha Audio published their full MU2 review. Jaap Veenstra and Martijn ten Napel already made a ‘preview’ video in which they shared how much they were impressed by the MU2’s sound quality. And they put the MU2 in their ‘top 5 of 2023’ list!

In the written review they go into more detail about the sound, and also show some measurements. Plus, the MU2 receives their highest “Alpha Audio Approved” score. We are very grateful for so much praise. Below you find some excerpts from their text…

“How do you describe a device that doesn’t want to ‘be there’? How do you describe the reproduction of a device that steps out of the chain to allow you – the listener – to listen to a source as best you can? (…)”

“We just get very, very calm from the presentation of this player. It plays with such incredible ease and authority that it seems like it’s all effortless. (…)”

“The analog pre-amp is just amazing! Unbelievable. It is a transparent hatch with a striking refinement, neutrality and tranquility. As mentioned before: there is really no need for a separate pre-amp with the MU2. In fact: chances are that it makes the reproduction less good. (…)”

“There seems to be no saturation point in the Grimm MU2. We hear layer upon layer upon layer on the test tracks we play. (…)”

“The Grimm MU2 lets you hear new things without ever appearing analytical. It plays with the utmost ease and manages to make itself invisible and inaudible. (…)”

Read about MU2 >

“The Grimm MU2 will in many cases replace a whole stack of devices.”

Jaap Veenstra, Alpha Audio, The Netherlands
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