The German magazine Professional Audio takes a deep dive in all the possibilities that the UC1 offers. Journalist Malte Schmidt becomes excited. As plus points he notes: “excellent neutral sound, high quality word clock, smart functions such as compare mode, silent because of passive cooling”. He offered the UC1 the “Very Good, Top Class” verdict and Professional Audio kept the review unit for their own reference. The article’s conclusion is:
“With the “Universal Converter” UC1, Grimm Audio delivers a visually and technically unique device that knows how to impress with its crystal-clear and neutral sound. It takes some training in order to understand the various functions and to make use of the advantages that result from them. The ability to set a display reference level and to be able to compare different monitor sources with individually adjusted volume is very useful for mixing and mastering. The more experienced you are in these areas, the more fun you will have with UC1.”

“The UC1 impresses with its crystal-clear and neutral sound.”
Malte Schmidt, Professional Audio